【Elements composing Ainu pattern】

【Elements composing Ainu pattern】

A figure showed below was made for Tenri gallery's 67th exhibition "Clothing of the Ainu people" held on December 1, 1983 

Remarks on the words to in the figure.
The explanations on these Ainu words to are quoted in Japanese from the Ainu language archive of the National Museum of Ainu people. They are based on Kayano Shigeru "Kayano Shigeru's Ainu dictionary" 1996 and Tamura Suzuko "Ainu Saru dialect dictionary" 1996

① ay-us: spiny stick (Ainu language: meanings originally)
② morew: spiral pattern, gently curved
③ uren: both (e.g., both hands, both feet)
④ sik: eyes
⑤ utasa (cipo): each other, to row in the opposite direction
⑥ epuy(ke): (plant) fruit, seed

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