The age of the Satsumon culture is believed to have started around the seventh century and transferred to that of the Ainu culture under the influence of the Okhotsk culture between the 12th and 13th centuries.

Ainu culture was under the influence of the Okhotsk culture in 12th or 13th centries.

The age of the Satsumon culture 擦文文化 is believed to have started around the seventh century and transferred to that of the Ainu culture under the influence of the Okhotsk culture between the 12th and 13th centuries, although the estimated time frame differs depending on researchers and regions.

Concurrently with the Satsumon culture, the Okhotsk culture arose primarily in areas along the Sea of Okhotsk in Hokkaido. People of the Okhotsk culture kept bear skulls in their dwellings. Bears seem to have played a role in their religion. The Ainu also enshrined bear skull on altars outside their dwellings after performing the ceremony to send back bear spirits.
Based on the above the Okhotsk culture is believed to have exerted a significant influence on Ainu culture in terms of spirituality.

Explanation from “Ainu people -History and Culture-” by the Foundation for Ainu Culture 2021.
Map shows the surrounding peoples of the Sea of Okhotsk and their patterns.
Photos, a historical cloth of Ainu been exhibited in the Kushiro City Museum           

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